Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Intro to some characters in "The Crucible" (for Thurs 28 July)

English 11 mcrawford
The Crucible (character description and quotation)
In this important, still relevant and oft-performed play, Miller provides rather detailed character introduction/descriptions. Read the descriptions. Then, using the model below as your guide, write a summary of the character descriptions for the characters listed. using a balance of your own words and quotations from the text.

Abigail Williams:
Miller describes the 17 year-old Abigail as a “strikingly beautiful girl, an orphan, with an endless capacity for dissembling” (9). Webster’s says to dissemble is “to hide under a false appearance.” She is also described as speaking “with an ill concealed resentment.” Later in Act 1 when John Proctor appears, we learn that something has taken place between him and Abigail.

Reverend Parris:

Thomas Putnam:

Rebecca Nurse:

John Proctor:

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